SAMPRO – South African Mini Tuber Producers
SAMPRO is the acronym for the South African Mini Tuber Producers. Members consist of the in vitro gene bank facilities, tissue culture mass propagation facilities, as well as mini tuber production facilities. SAMPRO is a platform for the nuclear seed potato producers to get together annually to discuss technical matters related to the production of early generation material.
Tissue Culture Facilities
L 001 | Rascal Seed Research Laboratories (PTY) Ltd R 015 | Vitroplant South Africa (Pty) Ltd. |
N 196 | Dwen Farming (Pty) Ltd.
Mini Tuber Producers |
B 008 | Potato Seed Production (Pty) Ltd Contact: Mr Jakkie Mellet P O Box 295, LYDENBURG, 1120 Tel: +27 (13) 235 3891 E-mail: enquiries@potatoseed.co.za Web address: www.potatoseed.co.za |
C 001 | Ceres Aartappels (Edms) Bpk Contact: Mr Danie Malan P O Box 22, PRINCE ALFRED HAMLET, 6840 Tel: +27 (23) 313 3100 E-mail: admin@cerespotato.co.za |
D 064 | Griekwaland-Wes Koöperasie Contact: Mr Nico du Toit P O Box 47, DOUGLAS, 8730 Tel: +27 (53) 298 8200 / +27 (82) 806 9997 E-mail: nicodt@gwk.co.za Web address: www.gwk.co.za |
L 001 | Rascal Seed Research Laboratories (Pty) Ltd Contact: Mr Dawie Ras P O Box 122, CHRISTIANA, 2680 Tel: +27 (72) 628 0964 E-mail: dawie@minitubers.co.za Web address: www.minitubers.co.za |
N 196 | Dwen Farming (Pty) Ltd. Contact: Mr Chris Dwen P O Box 214, UNDERBERG, 3257 Tel: +27 (33) 701 1081 E-mail: admin@potatoesafrica.co.za |
P 020 | Maluti Mini Tubers Contact: Ms Penny Osler P O Box 1, SHERIDAN, 9704 Tel: +27 (82) 779 5956 E-mail: pao@lonetreefarms.co.za |
R 015 | Vitroplant South Africa (Pty) Ltd. Contact: André Lezar PO Box 1729, SOMERSET WEST, 7130 Tel: +27 (21) 858 17976 Mobile: +27 (82) 419 4452 E-mail: andre@vitroplantsa.com Web address: www.vitroplantsa.com |
S 169 | Advanced Potato Propagation Contact: Ms Pauline Jacobs P O Box 2956, DURBANVILLE, 7551 Tel: +27 (21) 914 5457 E-mail: app@fpd.co.za Web address: www.fpd.co.za |