Pepper Ringspot Virus (PepRSV) and Certification
The National Plant Protection Organization of South Africa (NPPOZA) notified the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) on 21 December 2023 of the detection of Pepper Ringspot Virus (PepRSV) in South Africa.
The detection of PepRSV under the South African Seed Potato Certification Scheme (Scheme) is based on visual inspection during field inspections (foliar symptoms), sampling and tuber inspections (tuber symptoms), and if detected, confirmation by diagnostic PCR testing. This is the same way the UNECE deals with Tobacco Rattle Virus (TRV), which is also part of the Tobravirus family that PepRSV belongs to.
Upon the detection of symptoms, all certification actions are suspended pending the result of the diagnostic sample taken. Pending the outcome of the test, all plantings within the isolation area are considered presumable infected and this is communicated to the grower. Once the result confirms PepRSV in the sample, certification is rejected and the NPPO is informed in writing.
Field inspection, as well as tuber inspection reports, provide for PepRSV, to indicate visually inspected and not detected, thus found free from PepRSV.
All current clones entering the Scheme are tested for PepRSV prior to registration of in vitro plantings in mini tuber production facilities. In addition to this, all imported, and locally sourced initial material are tested for PepRSV by means of PCR-testing to ensure material is eligible for uptake in the Scheme.
You are welcome to contact Potato Certification Service should you require more information.
PepRSV articles:
Chips January / February 2023 – click here.
Chips January / February 2024 – click here.
Certified Seed Potatoes | Pepper Ringspot Virus – click here.