NUMPRO – Forum for Nuclear Material Providers
NUMPRO is the Forum for Nuclear Material Providers. South African agents of internationally bred varieties, owners of varieties, tissue culture-, mini tuber-, quarantine- and genebank facilities, as well as representatives from the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development attend this Forum annually.
Matters related to import of propagation material, varietal listing, plant breeders’ rights, production of nuclear material etc. are discussed. Mr Dawie Ras is the Chairperson of NUMPRO. Annually a representative of NUMPRO is elected to represent the nuclear material providers on the National Seed Potato Committee.
124 | Kisch IP| Fredo Ströh, At van Rooy | P.O Box 781218, Sandton, 2146| +27 (0) 11 324 3156 | fredos@kisch-ip.com | www.kisch-ip.com
235 | Wesgrow Potatoes (Pty) Ltd | Charl Nel | P.O Box 507, Christiana, 2680 | +27 (0) 53 441 2241 | cnel@wesgrow.co.za | www.wesgrow.co.za
312 | RegenZ| Justin Platt, Brenda Coleman, Estelle Schoeman | P.O Box 13736, Cascades, KZN, 3202 | +27 (0) 33 347 2893 | admin@zylemsa.co.za | www.zylemsa.co.za
390 | FPD Seed Development Pty Ltd | Daan Du Plessis | P.O Box 5202, Tygervallei, 7536 | +27 (0) 861 768 286 | daan@fpd.co.za | www.fpd.co.za
767 | GWK | De Villiers Street 41, Douglas, 8730 | +27 (0) 53 298 8200 | www.gwk.co.za
1057 | New Potato Varieties | Dawid Kriel | P.O Box 11233, Silver Lakes, Pretoria, 0054 | +27 (0) 12 809 4000 | dawid@rsaseeds.co.za | www.rsaseeds.co.za
1279 | RSA Potato Seed Exchange | Dawid Kriel | P.O Box 11233, Silver Lakes, Pretoria, 0054 | +27 (0) 12 809 4000 | dawid@rsaseeds.co.za | www.rsaseeds.co.za
1434 | Rascal Seed Research | Dawie Ras | P.O Box 122, Christiana, 2680 | +27 (0) 51 007 0629 | dawie@minitubers.co.za | www.minitubers.co.za
1697 | Daniel Wyser | 791 28th Avenue, Rietfontein, Pretoria,0186 | +27 (0) 82 569 9146 | danielwyser@gmail.com
Potatonet SA CC | Postnet Suite 125, Private Bag X1866, Middelburg, 1050 | +27 (0) 13 243 0544, +27 (0) 82 553 5245 | neels@potatonet.co.za | www.potatonet.co.za
Information on Potato Varieties can be found on the European Cultivated Potato Database Website.
Maintained by ICCSP Approved In Vitro Multiplication Facilities
Open Variety | PVL Status | L 001 | Rascal Seed Research | R 015 | VitroplantSA Pty (Ltd) |
BP1 | Listed | – | Yes |
Avalanche | Listed | Yes | Yes |
Desiree | Not Listed | – | Yes* |
Fasan | Not Listed | – | Yes* |
Hermes | Listed | – | Yes |
Hertha | Listed | Yes | Yes |
Innovator | Listed | – | Yes |
Mnandi | Listed | – | Yes |
Mondial | Listed | Yes | Yes |
Up-to-date | Listed | Yes | Yes* |
Valor | Listed | Yes | Yes |
Vanderplank | Listed | Yes* | Yes* |